产品说明: FASTAR is a fast response, shock resistant,non-contact displacement transducer designed to measure linear displacement (position). A precision variable inductor with a stroke to body length ratio of almost 1:1, FASTAR has a body length approximately half as long as typical LVDTs. Used with a Sentech patented signal processor, it allows high speed displacement measuring with less error than other non-contact devices, with excellent immunity to EMI. FASTAR consists of a movable core inside a coil-wound tube. As the core moves in or out, coil inductance changes. The processor generates a DC voltage proportional to the change in inductance. 技术指标: 型 号:FS380,FS1000,FS2000,FS3000,FS4000,FS6000~FS12000 量 程:0.76, 2, 4, 6, 8,10,12,18,24(inches)0~19~51~101~152~203~254~305~457~609mm 线 性 度:± 0.15 %( ± 0.10 %可选) 重 复 性:0.003 % 供电电源:模块供电 响应频率:AC型112 kHz,DC 15KHz 工作温度:-50~125℃ ,补偿温度-5~80℃ 电气连接:电缆线 特 点:非接触,35μS反应速度,抗冲击、振动,动态温度补偿 典型应用:气缸反馈,材料处理系统,轧辊间隙,阀门定位,机器人运动控制 下一页